Feb 26, 2019
Episode #019
How often do you think about things that you want or feel the need to do but put them off?
In this episode Tim & Doug present another incredibly motivating 30 minutes of audio about how we fall into the trap of procrastinating and putting things off with excuses and lies that we tell ourselves.
Feb 19, 2019
Episode #018
In today’s face paced world, it’s so easy to be busy, hustle hustle hustle, go go go. We even measure our success by how busy we are… how often do you tell someone you are busy for them to respond “Great, busy is good”, “I wish i could be busier”. Anyone can be busy, but it’s much harder to...
Feb 12, 2019
Episode #017
In this episode Tim & Doug discuss a real life example of a man they spoke with who felt everything around him was the reason he was unfulfilled. He blamed the location in which he was based, the people and other external factors for all that was wrong in his life, avoiding the real issue, which was...
Feb 5, 2019
Episode #016
We often think of things we perceive will make us happier in life; a new job, more money a fancy car. The truth is that it’s never actually these materialistic things that make us happy. They may provide a temporary boost in happiness but you will soon look for the ‘next’ thing to make you happy and a...