Apr 30, 2019
Episode 34
In this episode, Doug and Tim discuss the things money can't solve. In our society, it's common for us to think that money is the solution to all our problems (even if it's a subconscious belief) and we often forget that there are other things that are more important than money.
Apr 30, 2019
Episode 33
"I hope they don't find out."
In this episode, Doug and Tim discuss the importance of being yourself.
Putting on a front or wearing a mask will only make us more exhausted because we then feel the burden of thinking that people might find out who we really are.
The society that we live in has trained us to...
Apr 27, 2019
Episode 32
In this episode, Doug and Tim discuss the regrets of a father and the importance of giving your time and presence to your family.
Fathers are builders because they build something for their family and for their future. They are often away from their family to hustle and make money so that someday they can do...
Apr 25, 2019
Episode 31
In this episode, Doug and Tim share their personal epiphanies and how it changed their lives.
Doug shared that by asking yourself questions about what you really want in life or how you feel and what's really going on will help you realize the things that really matter to you.
Examine yourself and answer...
Apr 23, 2019