Jun 29, 2019
Episode #059
In this episode Tim & Doug examine the nature of courage and try to answer the question; What is courage in the modern society?
Courage is something we hear about so often but do we really understand it. It’s something that we all have within us, but some are able to tap into it better than others and the...
Jun 27, 2019
Episode #058
What is the most important relationship in your life?
It’s safe to say, for most of us there is no relationship as important as the one you have with your partner. This relationship, like any business relationship, can be difficult and falls on hard times but how much do we actually invest in maintaining...
Jun 25, 2019
Episode #57
We define a father based on how we have seen and experienced growing up as their kids. We have our stories to tell about our fathers both good and bad ones but it is up to us to decide what kind of father we want to be later on. We do not need to re-live the same story, we have our choice to rewrite our...
Jun 22, 2019
Episode #056
In this episode, we revisit one of our most downloaded episodes. Tim & Doug touch on the topic men too often are afraid to talk about.. their own sexual relationship. We were raised to see this as a very private part of our lives and not something that was to be discussed openly. The male ego can also stop...
Jun 20, 2019
Episode #55
Because of the influence of society, we tend to hide our true self in a story. We become part of a story that will eventually consume us and will make us forget our true identity.
We are scared that people will come to know our flaws and weaknesses so we hide in these false stories until we become stuck in...