Jul 30, 2019
Episode #72
Having an employee who is your friend will greatly affect your decision-making when the time comes that you discover that person to be someone who is sabotaging your business.
The attachment or the relationship you have with this person puts you in a situation where it will be difficult for you to get rid of...
Jul 27, 2019
Episode #71
Do we really have a nearly unlimited personal power?
Imagine you won the lottery. How would you be feeling? You might be jumping up and down, shouting, laughing, screaming and celebrating. You see, that energy already exists in us but we are not aware of it or how we can unlock it.
In unlocking nearly...
Jul 25, 2019
Episode #70
Settling in a relationship starts by settling within yourself.
Settling for the life you are living and your standard as a man.
We often complain about many things that lack in our relationships and we tend to blame our partners, but in reality, the problem is within ourselves.
The problem is not with the...
Jul 23, 2019
Episode #69
In this episode, Tim and Doug talk about Doug's conversation with a business owner about a topic on relationships.
This business owner, while revisiting his Amazon Kindle account, found a purchased book entitled "How to Win a Divorce for Women". Thinking his marriage was going good, spending his time...
Jul 20, 2019
Episode #68
Many of us have sworn we would never do things the way our father did...and yet some of those are things we are unconsciously doing.
The things that we were complaining about our father in the past is what we are living right now without realizing it.
These things have become patterns of ours that keep...