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Dec 30, 2023

Episode #764

Is your wife stepping up to lead in the marriage? In the family? Why do you think that is?

Many men we work with have found that their wives have stepped up as the Alpha in the relationship because they weren't stepping up themselves.

In this episode, Doug and Franco talk about how to help your wife trust...

Dec 28, 2023

Episode #763

Do you want to change your life but can feel that you're holding yourself back?

Do you find it hard to start a new beginning?

You might be struggling to go for something you want in life because you're satisfied with what you have right now. Remember that big change requires a big leap.

In this episode,...

Dec 26, 2023

Episode #762

Is your wife getting scared because you're not consistent?

Are you bothered when she's testing you?

Ask her a question, "Are you okay?" to break the pattern. Smile and hug her to protect her and laugh because you're not affected.

In this episode, Doug talks about some ways on how to react well to your...

Dec 23, 2023

Episode #761

Are you breaking promises you made to yourself?

Are you accepting your wife's opinions?

Be a man of your words and validate her emotions. Take responsibility for your actions to strengthen your relationship.

In this episode, Tim and Doug share some points about why your wife can't trust you and how to...

Dec 21, 2023

Episode #760

Is your relationship working because you are a nice guy?

Are you getting upset when she's irritated?

Fierce is being powerful because you are determined in setting boundaries and you're doing little things that lead you on the right path.

In this episode, we talk about how to be more fierce in...