Jul 30, 2020
Episode #229
Are you committed to your goals and your dreams?
The only way that you are destined to fail is if you don't fully commit. Being in the middle is a guaranteed failure.
There are goals and dreams you want to achieve, like wanting your relationship with your wife to be better, but you are not committed to...
Jul 28, 2020
Episode #228
Do you ever feel like it's hard to lead at home?
When your spouse can feel you are hesitating, she feels less secure and that is when she steps in to lead.
The good news is that you can avoid this happening in your relationship by having the courage to be vulnerable and talk about what is really going on...
Jul 25, 2020
Episode #227
How do you be courageous?
How do you step up and be the man?
The answer to everything you are looking for and the answer to everything you wanted is YOU.
We forget who we are, we lose ourselves and we start to create a different story that we live through that doesn't serve us and our family.
If you want to...
Jul 23, 2020
Episode #226
Jul 21, 2020
Episode #225
Who is Franco?
Franco is an alumnus of the Activation Method Program from the UK and like most men, he had gone through a lot of struggles in his life.
Before The Activation Method, he was not in a good place emotionally, his lifestyle was very poor, his relationships were off, his habits and routines were...