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May 21, 2019

Today we revisit our most popular episode -Run Towards Your Fear
Tim and Doug discuss putting things off and holding back in your work and personal life. At the heart of this is often fear. Fear of change and fear of what other people think are completely natural and inbuilt in us all, but when you learn to push past this your life and business improves drastically.
But how do you overcome fear?
The answer is simple... Run towards your fear! 
It's sounds easy in many ways but it can actually be more difficult to conquer, on this podcast you can learn the best approach to embracing fear. Imagine if fear became something you embraced or something you didn't naturally try to avoid, how would that make you feel?
Tim and Doug share real life stories as to times when they ran towards their fear including a very personal story about how Tim's work was seriously hindering his health, personal life and relationship as a result of fear. He reveals how he overcame this.


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