Jun 20, 2019
Episode #55
Because of the influence of society, we tend to hide our true self in a story. We become part of a story that will eventually consume us and will make us forget our true identity.
We are scared that people will come to know our flaws and weaknesses so we hide in these false stories until we become stuck in it.
We become blinded by the comfort that we get from hiding in these stories that we don't realize how much these stories are no longer serving us.
To find out if you're stuck in a story, you first need to be aware of what is true to you and spot the pattern. Talk to people and share your weakness and vulnerability. This allows people to know the REAL you and understand you.
Ask for advice from people who have gone through what it is you're going through because these are the people who will understand your situation better than anyone.
Detach yourself from the story and see what is really true to you, your true identity and re-align with that every day.
What you will learn in this episode:
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