Feb 29, 2020
Episode #164
Are you a man of your word?
Let that question sink in...
Many men we talk to lead a similar lifestyle where they have made work their number 1 priority.
And yet, they are coming home late, feeling a disconnect with their wife and kids, and are slowly becoming men who those around them can no longer rely...
Feb 27, 2020
Episode #163
Be honest...
Have you ever caught yourself feeling entitled because you know you are the one who makes the money in the household?
Have you ever lost control in your relationship because you and your wife shifted roles?
This is a common trigger that fuels disconnection within the relationship.
It is up to...
Feb 25, 2020
Episode #162
No sex for 30 days...
...can you do that?
As men, we tend to use sex as the bridge to build intimacy or connection with our partners, but often it is not enough.
When you take a step back from sex, will you find that you are still intimate with your partner or will you find that you've relied on sex to be...
Feb 22, 2020
Episode #161
When was the last time you did something to fill your cup up?
Does it ever feel difficult for you to give energy to those around you?
Maybe you even notice yourself avoiding deeper connection because you just don't have any more to give.
In order for you to be able to give, you must fill your...
Feb 20, 2020
Episode #160
Arguing is part of every relationship.
In fact, many will say that arguing makes a relationship grow stronger and better.
But what if you're arguing with your wife almost every day?
You argue about coming home late...
You argue about work...
You argue about the kids...
You argue about feeling not...